Sitemap - 2022 - The Habit Reframe Mindset

Can't seem to stay consistent? Here's the RIGHT way to start a daily habit.

Struggling with Motivation? Here's what ACTUALLY works to generate motivation

NEW Reddit Article - How to get Motivation.

The Habit Reframe Method eBook: POSTED TO REDDIT 🙌🙌

Habit Reframe Method BOOK 🙌 + updated GAP program

Nip procrastination before it happens.

Problem: you’re stuck in a rut, looping ‘round, trying to fix things on your own. Solution: Join the free GAP program.

What the hell am I doing drinking in L.A. at twenty-six?—was a rhetorical question. I’ll answer it anyway.

Stuck in a rut of procrastination and chronic under-achievement?

I could never stick with my promises to stop procrastinating... until I decided to "Shift the Line" no matter what.

Stop struggling with staying consistent with habits. Join an accountability group.

You're trying to use self-control to break bad habits and stop procrastinating. It’s not working and it's not going to work. Here’s why and what’ll get you to actually make changes.

Your work-sessions always derailed into procrastination because of the Vice Feedback Loop.

They key to breaking and starting habits: don't do it alone.

To people struggling with ADHD, anxiety/depression, chronic procrastination: you’re trying hard to solve the wrong part of the problem.

A shift in mindset that's been essential in ending my bad habits.

Can't stick with your commitments? Here's what's been missing in your quest to get disciplined.

Here's the real reason why the stuff you read in self-help books just doesn't stick.

The Definitive Guide to Webblocking and Screen-Time limits

Your self-control failings are 100% inevitable

Everyone has a plan (New Year’s Resolutions) until they get punched in the mouth (feeling unexpectedly worse-off after quitting).